Home » Femboy » Sissytrap With Long Slender Legs
Sissy, Do you want to be a girl? I’ll tell you a secret. You’re already a girl! You’re a girl, but not very beautiful yet. Are you too lazy to be beautiful? Exercise, learn, take hormones and you will surely become yourself! You will be happy, beautiful, and feminine! Just do not be lazy.

Pretty Sissy in a White Tshirt
250 “It’s just for a day. I promise you sweetie” This is what my mom said to me after she used some wicked magic to change me into a girl. Did she keep her promise? Well, yes because she did change me back into a boy after that day, but it was just the begining … Continue reading Pretty Sissy in a White Tshirt

Attractive Blonde Cd
7430 I really came a long way since I got to live in Sam’s for the first time. It’s been actually six years now which makes me feel like my life of a guy never happened. Quite surprising since judging how Andy was feeling in this body, I would assume I will never going to … Continue reading Attractive Blonde Cd

How Did I Become a Famous OnlyFans Femboy Model?
According to the UrbanDictionary ”femboy” is a man who prefers presenting himself in a feminine manner, mostly he is under the age of 30 y.o. Do not confuse them with ladyboys and also with cross-dressers. You also do not need to classify them as homosexuals, and in general – you should not think about any … Continue reading How Did I Become a Famous OnlyFans Femboy Model?

Gorgeous Blonde Sissy in Blue Dress
Agent 007 was walking gracefully on the red carpet trying to keep the apperance and focus on his mission at the same time. His target was Victor Petrov, officially a movie producer, but in secret a member of a dangerous organisation. Victor was carrying some sensitive data with him so M16 assigned Bond to do … Continue reading Gorgeous Blonde Sissy in Blue Dress

Athletic Beauty Betaboy in Pink Swimsuit
Standing at the egde of the pool in the backyard, I kept thinking there must be something seriously wrong with me. I mean I deffinitelly shouldn’t be enjoying this, yet I really do and it was impossible to wipe that smile off of my face. For some reason I’m really having a great time being … Continue reading Athletic Beauty Betaboy in Pink Swimsuit

Betaboy Takes Off His Jeans
“Checking out the goods already?” Adeline asked walking in on Trenton, topless and about to be pantsless in his new body. “Boss?! Oh crap! I knew I recognised this girl! This is your daughter isn’t it?!” Trenton gasped, desperately grasping for clothes to cover himself up again, “I don’t know how I got in here! … Continue reading Betaboy Takes Off His Jeans

Naked Sissy Is Forced to Fuck
I can’t believe this is happening…oh fuck! God that thing is big. I can’t believe I’m doing this…how can I be doing this? Guys aren’t supposed to be bent over taking a big cock in their-ahhhHHH! Fuck! *pant* *pant* I knew I shouldn’t have gone as a girl to the costume party. I knew I … Continue reading Naked Sissy Is Forced to Fuck

Skinny Blonde Crossdresser
As a man, Albert was skinny and small for a man and besides that, he was having a girly face and long blond hair. Albert was working in a photo studio as set dresser. On a certain day, a model became sick and to be able to make the deadline his boss asked Albert if … Continue reading Skinny Blonde Crossdresser

Cute Crossdresser in a Womans Pink Dress
Mom, can I take this stuff off now???? Now, Britney, you KNOW that’s not how little girls talk to their Mothers! Do I need to pull your panties down again and show you what happens to sassy little girls? No!!! I mean… No, Mommy! is a on you, but that’s what you get when you … Continue reading Cute Crossdresser in a Womans Pink Dress