Home » Femboy » Cd in Womens Shorts Examines Her Ass
Sissy couldn’t believe Daddy was gonna make her wear this outfit to the park where all those boys would see her… But she had to admit her ass looked cute and fuckable… She blushed thinking about what possibly could happen…

How Did I Become a Famous OnlyFans Femboy Model?
According to the UrbanDictionary ”femboy” is a man who prefers presenting himself in a feminine manner, mostly he is under the age of 30 y.o. Do not confuse them with ladyboys and also with cross-dressers. You also do not need to classify them as homosexuals, and in general – you should not think about any … Continue reading How Did I Become a Famous OnlyFans Femboy Model?

Cute Crossdresser in a Pink Dress
Look daddy, this is only for a week. I’m truly sorry I wished that Bradley had a cute little blonde thing to date while we’re on vacation, and the wish turned you into Chrissy Collins. But for once don’t ruin your son’s time. Hold his hand and act infatuated with him. He’ll just take you … Continue reading Cute Crossdresser in a Pink Dress

Cd at the Train Station Dressed as Girl
I’d moved a thousand miles away from the town I grew up in so this wouldn’t happen. But when I heard that familiar voice call out my real name, I nearly fainted. I slowly raised my chin to see Mrs. Mullins standing there with a confused look on her face. I thought about pretending I … Continue reading Cd at the Train Station Dressed as Girl

Blonde Sissyboy With Tiny Cock
Camioty Please, Heather… Oh, come on, Kevin. It’s not like it’s a big deal, right? Just show your little weiner to my friends. They don’t even believe you’re my ex-boyfriend. Can you believe that? But – I told you what I expect. Now you do it. That’s how this works. O-okay… See, Kevin here was … Continue reading Blonde Sissyboy With Tiny Cock

Skinny Blonde Crossdresser
As a man, Albert was skinny and small for a man and besides that, he was having a girly face and long blond hair. Albert was working in a photo studio as set dresser. On a certain day, a model became sick and to be able to make the deadline his boss asked Albert if … Continue reading Skinny Blonde Crossdresser

Seductive Sissy in Delicate Lingerie
Oh… Man… I felt exhausted. I didn’t even know why, either. I should have felt rested, because of how tired I was last night, but for some reason my crotch was sore and my chest felt raw as hell. I rubbed at my chest, but my bra was making it hard to massage some places. … Continue reading Seductive Sissy in Delicate Lingerie

High Slutboy Dressed in a Womens Skirt
I was dressed in my favorite outfit of a little skirt, top, furry vest, stiletto heels, and pantyhose. The pantyhose were a must, they kept my little peenie hidden nicely. I’d walked clear through the shopping mall to where my girlfriend had driven our car. As I opened the door, I could smell her musky … Continue reading High Slutboy Dressed in a Womens Skirt

Athletic Beauty Betaboy in Pink Swimsuit
Standing at the egde of the pool in the backyard, I kept thinking there must be something seriously wrong with me. I mean I deffinitelly shouldn’t be enjoying this, yet I really do and it was impossible to wipe that smile off of my face. For some reason I’m really having a great time being … Continue reading Athletic Beauty Betaboy in Pink Swimsuit

Daddy Fucks Femboy in the Ass
Oh yes Daddy, do me hard! daddy sissy fuck xxx