Home » Femboy » Naked Sissytrap in Transparent Blouses
When his friends suggested he should dress as a girl for Halloween, he had no idea they would go to such lengths. His girlfriend spent ages on his makeover and wig, and then they fitted falsies that must have cost the Earth. It seemed like a lot of trouble just for a Halloween stunt. But after they had taken turns giving him a good fucking, he understood their real reason. Even his girlfriend fucked him with a strapon. That’s when he found the falsies didn’t come off.

Naked Sissy Is Forced to Fuck
I can’t believe this is happening…oh fuck! God that thing is big. I can’t believe I’m doing this…how can I be doing this? Guys aren’t supposed to be bent over taking a big cock in their-ahhhHHH! Fuck! *pant* *pant* I knew I shouldn’t have gone as a girl to the costume party. I knew I … Continue reading Naked Sissy Is Forced to Fuck

Gorgeous Blonde Sissy in Blue Dress
Agent 007 was walking gracefully on the red carpet trying to keep the apperance and focus on his mission at the same time. His target was Victor Petrov, officially a movie producer, but in secret a member of a dangerous organisation. Victor was carrying some sensitive data with him so M16 assigned Bond to do … Continue reading Gorgeous Blonde Sissy in Blue Dress

Beautiful Blonde Wears Dress on Naked Body
Jimmy just loves the sensation! It’s his first time outdoors. His new girlfriend, who works at a beauty parlour, has made up his hair, depilated all his body and dressed him in a light cotton dress. Nothing under it, just his bare skin. As the wind gets caught in it and threatens to blow it … Continue reading Beautiful Blonde Wears Dress on Naked Body

Blonde Sissyboy With Tiny Cock
Camioty Please, Heather… Oh, come on, Kevin. It’s not like it’s a big deal, right? Just show your little weiner to my friends. They don’t even believe you’re my ex-boyfriend. Can you believe that? But – I told you what I expect. Now you do it. That’s how this works. O-okay… See, Kevin here was … Continue reading Blonde Sissyboy With Tiny Cock

Athletic Beauty Betaboy in Pink Swimsuit
Standing at the egde of the pool in the backyard, I kept thinking there must be something seriously wrong with me. I mean I deffinitelly shouldn’t be enjoying this, yet I really do and it was impossible to wipe that smile off of my face. For some reason I’m really having a great time being … Continue reading Athletic Beauty Betaboy in Pink Swimsuit

Stylish Blonde Sissytrap in a White Blouse
When it was time for lunch break, Tom walked out of the office and went to the balcony to catch some fresh air and reconsider his recent decisions. Suddenly swapping bodies didn’t sound like a great idea, but back then Tom couldn’t expect such turn of events. He wanted to try out being a woman … Continue reading Stylish Blonde Sissytrap in a White Blouse

Attractive Blonde Cd
7430 I really came a long way since I got to live in Sam’s for the first time. It’s been actually six years now which makes me feel like my life of a guy never happened. Quite surprising since judging how Andy was feeling in this body, I would assume I will never going to … Continue reading Attractive Blonde Cd

Blonde Femboy at the Stylist
It was all he could do. Sit there and watch as his masculinity was brushed away with every pass of the comb. Oscar did his best to keep a brave face but as the stylist worked he felt strange. His parents had died back when he was only 5 and as a result he was … Continue reading Blonde Femboy at the Stylist

Redhead Sissytrap in Womens Plaid Skirts
Please Jessica don’t make me do this I beg of you! Tom had been caught trying out his sister’s Clothes and now he’s received his last strike. Jessica warned him if he did this one more time, she’d make him a full girl and take him to the salon to be pampered like a real … Continue reading Redhead Sissytrap in Womens Plaid Skirts