Slender Young Girl in Red Underwear
I’m a sissy. I don’t just want to look like a sexy woman. I don’t just want to be like a pretty girl. I want to be the girl that boys want. I want to be the object of a real man’s desire. I want to lust and long for his fullest affections. I want … Continue reading Slender Young Girl in Red Underwear

Sexy Mature Femboy in a Womens Dress
‘Man, that guy that picked me up was crazy! Took me to his home and dolled me up in his ex girl- friend’s things and started to call me. ‘Barbie’!! I’m a dude myself! Lucky i over powered him and came to the train station! I wasn’t too crazy about blowing the ticket agent..but i … Continue reading Sexy Mature Femboy in a Womens Dress

Hot Sissytrap in Red Underwear
I’m a sissy. I don’t just want to look like a sexy woman I don’t just want to be like a pretty girl I want to be a girl that boys want I want to be the object of a real man’s desire I want to lust and long for his fullest affections I want … Continue reading Hot Sissytrap in Red Underwear

Naked Sissy Is Forced to Fuck
I can’t believe this is happening…oh fuck! God that thing is big. I can’t believe I’m doing this…how can I be doing this? Guys aren’t supposed to be bent over taking a big cock in their-ahhhHHH! Fuck! *pant* *pant* I knew I shouldn’t have gone as a girl to the costume party. I knew I … Continue reading Naked Sissy Is Forced to Fuck

Pretty Sissy in a White Tshirt
250 “It’s just for a day. I promise you sweetie” This is what my mom said to me after she used some wicked magic to change me into a girl. Did she keep her promise? Well, yes because she did change me back into a boy after that day, but it was just the begining … Continue reading Pretty Sissy in a White Tshirt

Cute Sissyboy Dances Like a Ballerina
Ben’s attitude has changed since he was enrolled at the ballet studio in town. While he started in male attire, he started to get the desire to wear tights, dresses, and more fun stuff like the girls in class could wear. Friends and family aren’t complaining as SHE is now more polite to people and … Continue reading Cute Sissyboy Dances Like a Ballerina

Red Haired Girl Takes Cock in Mouth

Athletic Beauty Betaboy in Pink Swimsuit
Standing at the egde of the pool in the backyard, I kept thinking there must be something seriously wrong with me. I mean I deffinitelly shouldn’t be enjoying this, yet I really do and it was impossible to wipe that smile off of my face. For some reason I’m really having a great time being … Continue reading Athletic Beauty Betaboy in Pink Swimsuit

Young Blonde Girlyboy in Womens Outfit
“So.. How do I look?” you mumble to your best friend.. “unbelievably hot… I can’t believe it’s you under all that dude!” “Heh thanks.. when you caught me I was a little worried you’d freak out or beat me up or something else crazy.. Thank you, for being so great about this..” “How could I … Continue reading Young Blonde Girlyboy in Womens Outfit