Young Blue Eyed Blonde

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young blue eyed blonde
Its been rough lately. I’m still trying to cope with all this. The thought of being a girl for the rest of my life is honestly terrifying. Periods, breasts, pregnancy… I just can’t deal with this. I… I don’t think I can keep these hormones under control for much longer. I’ve stopped trying to hide being female now, it has just gotten too hard. Still, being female in public isn’t much like I expected. I, uhm, well, I was kind of hoping more guys would hit on me. I- I mean, I’m not saying I’d like that! But, it would be nice, I guess. …I guess if I wanted more guys to notice me I’ll have to put more effort into my appearance. A little make-up never hurt, right? Oh… Oh God, what am I saying…

One thought on “Young Blue Eyed Blonde”

  1. Oh yes I love that feeling when he cums in my boipussy there is nothing that feels anybetter than when he unloads a full load of hot cum in my bubble ass.

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