Two Girls Suck a Big Black Cock

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two girls suck a big black cock
He’d come here to kick the ass of the man who stole his wife from him, but after being picked up like it was nothing and tossed to the ground, he was quickly reconsidering his options. He probably would have been beaten within an inch of his life if his ex-wife hadn’t intervened with an alternative. And now here he was, dressed up like a sissy slut courtesy of his wife, face just inches from the pulsing, angry, huge cock of the man who had humiliated him so completely. He was terrified and disgusted, and his clit…dick was hard for some reason. “Go on” his ex-wife whispered while her lover grinned down at him and he reluctantly moved his mouth closer. But he had a plan; the second his mouth closed around that dick he was biting down, hard. And then the cock was in his mouth, and a second passed, and suddenly she realized just why her wife had left her. She’d never felt more complete, more sure she was right where she belonged. Were all cocks so delicious and filling and powerful? Maybe if she asked him really sweetly he’d show her just what else his cock could do…?

2 thoughts on “Two Girls Suck a Big Black Cock”

  1. i wish my x would have presented that option for me while she started her affair with a Manly Man and his Big delicous Cock that gave her 6 orgasms the overnite she had with him. Darn it

  2. ohhhhhh myyyy I left my last comment here telling bout my x-wifes lover see abovedescription, and her Love for his Big Cock,on Jan 13, 2023 giggle Only Now I am sooo much more happy with my caging and butt plugging, going out in public with both on/in my dickie and my in my clitty TOOOOOO GIGGLE Stephaniecurl

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